Governments must be futurists, says Mohammad Al Gergawi
To solve the most complex problems of the day, governments must think longterm in pace with the private sector. All governments must employ a futurist.
PhD in Economics; MPhil in Economics; MA in International Relations: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris; Oxford University (St Antony's College). 1988-90, Chargé de Mission, Prime Minister's Office, Paris; 1990-91, Resident Fellow, Institute for East-West Security Studies, New York; 1992-98, Associate Banker and Economist, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London; 1998-99, Chief Economist and Strategist, Alfa Bank, Managing Partner, the Monthly Barometer, France; Formerly, Senior Director, Global Risk Network, World Economic Forum. Author of books, including several novels.
To solve the most complex problems of the day, governments must think longterm in pace with the private sector. All governments must employ a futurist.
Ilona Szabó de Carvalho says it will take broad, diverse networks of people and a radical change of mindset to tackle global threats like climate change
Collectively, we're short-term thinkers, according to Futurist Amy Webb, but all generations should stay flexible and prepare for alternative futures.
The world's ageing population will change everything from cities, transport and consumption to relations between countries; explains David Sinclair
公的機関が企業とより良い関係を築くにはどうすれば良いのでしょうか。これは、ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドンの教授であるマリアナ・マッツカート氏が、その研究で重要視してきたことです。 社会が直面している多くの課題に対処するためには、パブリックセクターが企業と協力して果たすべき役割はより大きいと、マッツカート氏は主張しています。
Michio Kaku says wealth comes from physics, and capitalism has evolved from and will be perfected with innovation and technology. The future is brain-net.
Yogi Sadhguru discusses what's needed for a post-pandemic future, pointing to less consumption and individualism and better care for the earth's soil.
Mariana Mazzucato, Professor at the University College London, shows how policymakers can partner with business leaders to cause meaningful change.
Lisez un extrait du nouveau livre de Professeur Klaus Schwab et Thierry Malleret : COVID-19 : La Grande Réinitialisation.
Lee un extracto del nuevo libro del profesor Klaus Schwab y Thierry Malleret: COVID-19 : El Gran Reinicio.
"COVID-19": The Great Reset" es el nuevo libro de Klaus Schwab y Thierry Malleret sobre la crisis de COVID y sus impactos.
“COVID-19: The Great Reset” is the new book by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret on the COVID crisis and its impacts.