These microrobots imitate starfish larva and could help treat tumors
Microrobots are predicted to revolutionize healthcare, designed to swim through the body to deliver medication to specific areas and perform surgical procedures.
Tom Abate is the Associate Director of Communications for the Stanford School of Engineering. Previously, he was an editor for Patch.com, a network of local web sites owned by AOL. Before that, Tom was Silicon Valley reporter and columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, covering science, technology, biotechnology and economics.
Microrobots are predicted to revolutionize healthcare, designed to swim through the body to deliver medication to specific areas and perform surgical procedures.
Researchers have developed a stick-on-sensor which can monitor pulse and respiration by detecting how the skin stretches and contracts with each heartbeat or breath.
Modern methods of counting animal species are outshone by indigenous hunters in the Amazon, according to Stanford researchers.