Energy efficiency and the fight against climate change
The hundreds of billions of dollars needed for energy efficiency and infrastructure maintenance represent both a significant investment opportunity.
Tom Florence is CEO of 361 Infrastructure Partners, and its parent 361 Capital LLC, and is responsible for the overall strategic direction of the Firms. He has over 35 years of experience in the financial services industry with exposure to both public and private investing.
Prior to joining 361 Capital in 2009, Mr. Florence was Managing Partner of Dividend Capital Group, a real estate investment management company (now Black Creek Capital). In addition, he was a co-founder and President of Dividend Capital Investments, a Registered Investment Advisor. Prior to this, Mr. Florence was Managing Director at Morningstar, Inc. and served on the Firm’s Executive Management Committee. Additionally, during his tenure at Morningstar, he founded and was President of Morningstar Investments Services, a Registered Investment Advisor.
Mr. Florence began his career in 1985 at Merrill Lynch and spent five years at Fidelity in Boston. Mr. Florence served on the Board of Trustees of two mutual fund companies, including Janus Capital Group (now Janus Henderson). He is a frequent industry speaker and a guest lecturer at the University of Denver’s Daniels College of Business. Mr. Florence holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from The Pennsylvania State University and is a graduate of Northwestern University’s Kellogg Management Institute.