I am a Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Sheffield, Director of the Sheffield Centre for Robotics (SCentRo), Director of the Active Touch Laboratory, Co-Director of the Adaptive Behaviour Research Group and a Visiting Fellow at Bristol Robotics Laboratory.
My research is concerned with understanding brain function using methods in the computational, neural, and behavioural sciences. An important focus of is on comparing the control problems faced by animals and robots: (i) using insights from robotics and artificial intelligence to understand the control architecture of the brain, (ii) using evidence from brain evolution to inspire the design of robot control systems, and (iii) using robots to evaluate computational models of neural systems and to test hypotheses that are difficult to investigate in vivo.
Taking inspiration from Aristotle and films to the US military, Tony Prescott, a neuroscientist, explores whether robots and humans can ever be 'friends'.
Professor Tony Prescott uses the example of sci-fi series Westworld to explore the future of AI, and the relationship between man and machine.