Lessons from the latest wave of cyber-attacks
How can we, as a society, as a government, as a global consumer, help prevent, mitigate, respond, and recover from these potentially catastrophic events with as little loss as possible?
MSc International Relations from the London School of Economics (Concentration Economic Diplomacy, Middle East); BA Economics BA International Studies (Europe, Middle East, State & Society) from Emory University; Project Lead World Economic Forum; Senior Manager TK Consulting; Senior Consultant BAE (to Homeland Security/FEMA); Senior Analytical Cosultant Millward Brown; Financial Services (Insurance) Research Analyst McKinsey & Company; Non-Profit/Think-tank/International Affairs/Political Consultant and Writer;
How can we, as a society, as a government, as a global consumer, help prevent, mitigate, respond, and recover from these potentially catastrophic events with as little loss as possible?
Aunque las tecnologías emergentes ofrecen enormes beneficios a la sociedad, traen consigo, por su propia naturaleza, riesgos nuevos y más complejos que podrían causar importantes pérdidas...
To truly benefit from new technologies, insurers, policy-makers and producers must come together to ensure that liability and risk are properly insured.