あなたは、もう自分のゲノムを解読してもらいましたか? 5年前であれば、こんな質問をすると「非現実的」と笑わたでしょう。ところが、今やスーパーでゲノム解読の申し込みができる時代です。費用は600ドル以下、解読は1週間足らずで完了。申し込みはオンラインでも可能です。
PhD. Researcher. Chief Executive Officer, BGI; Director and Chief Scientist, BGI Research; President, BGI College of Life Sciences; Vice-Chairman, International Organization for Standardization/Biotechnology Committee (ISO/TC276); Chairman, ISBER (International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories), China Region; Member of the Global Future Council, World Economic Forum; Member, National Committee for Standardization of Biological Samples (SAC/TC559). Specific research directions include the development of genomic sequencers and related technology, single cell sequencing technology, and the application of sequencing technology in disease and agriculture. Also served as Executive Director, National Gene Bank, responsible for the construction and operation of the first phase of the National Gene Bank. Has published 178 papers and 101 patents in SCI, including in international scientific journals such as Nature, Science and Cell.
あなたは、もう自分のゲノムを解読してもらいましたか? 5年前であれば、こんな質問をすると「非現実的」と笑わたでしょう。ところが、今やスーパーでゲノム解読の申し込みができる時代です。費用は600ドル以下、解読は1週間足らずで完了。申し込みはオンラインでも可能です。
15 years ago the $3 billion Human Genome Project was completed. Today, it costs as little as $600 - and you can pay for it at the supermarket. The genomics revolution is here, and its pot...