在日本,宣传可持续发展目标的胸针随处可见。 之所以这些胸针这么受欢迎可能是因为日本媒体大量报道可持续发展目标以及气候变化问题相关的内容。
I have been working for The Asahi Shimbun, Japanese leading paper, fully since 1981 after graduating from Tokyo Univ.with a B.A. in International Relations, worked at Moscow and Washington Bureau, served as Washington Bureau Chief, and Managing Editor at Tokyo HQ. I studied at Moscow State Univ. and the Institute of Ethnology of the Russian Academy of Science and was a Visiting Senior Fellow at Tsinghua Univ. in Beijing.
在日本,宣传可持续发展目标的胸针随处可见。 之所以这些胸针这么受欢迎可能是因为日本媒体大量报道可持续发展目标以及气候变化问题相关的内容。
With quality journalism and education for the public, global news media can raise awareness of the SDGs.