After 35 years with the UN, here's what I learned
At heart, the work of the United Nations depends on one powerful human emotion.
The University for Peace was established by the United Nations in 1980 as an international institution of higher learning for peace.
At heart, the work of the United Nations depends on one powerful human emotion.
There are 1.6 billion women of reproductive age living in developing regions. About half of them would like to avoid pregnancy – so what can be done to help them?
Sex education is not just about teaching the physiology of sex, but about helping young people to make responsible choices around the issues that will define their future.
The world is experiencing a crisis of reproductive rights. As the Commission on the Status of Women gets underway at the United Nations, we find out what can be done.
Most of the world's 10-year-old girls live in countries with poor gender equality. Many lose their futures to forced marriage and violence. They deserve better, writes the UN's Yoriko Yas...
Child marriage cost Nepal 3.87% of its GDP in 2014. And wherever else estimates exist, the figures are sobering. On International Day of the Girl Child, let's pledge to give girls back th...
去年,一场肆虐缅甸大部分地区的洪水中,Aye Than和她的家人逃离家乡来到一个路边的临时避难所躲避灾害。现在的她是86岁高龄的父亲和两个年幼的孙儿的看护人。她怀孕的女儿通过打零工赚取微薄的收入,女婿则以外地人的身份四处寻找工作。在缅甸,超过60岁的人口数量高达450万,Aye只是其中一员,他们大都没有收入也得不到社会的支持帮助。 四年前的菲律宾,75岁的Ligaya ...
Asia-Pacific's rapidly ageing population presents both a challenge and an opportunity for governments across the region.
The focus of this year's World Population Day is 'Investing in the Teenage Girl'.
As a Japanese citizen, I read with great interest the speech US President Barack Obama gave during his recent historic visit to Hiroshima, and one sentence struck me like no other: “Those...