中国第七次全国人口普查表明,中国未来十年及以后可能存在劳动力缺口。事实上,根据我们的计算,中国的年度劳动力缺口约为 1180 万。
Yuke Li is a researcher with the College of Engineering at the Westlake Institute for Advanced Study. Previously, she received her Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from Peking University in 2011 and PhD in Political Science from Yale University in 2018. She then did postdoc training in the Department of Electrical Engineering (Systems Track) at Yale. Her research is mainly about developing analytical approaches to solve public policy problems, especially in global governance and diplomatic strategy.
中国第七次全国人口普查表明,中国未来十年及以后可能存在劳动力缺口。事实上,根据我们的计算,中国的年度劳动力缺口约为 1180 万。
China has a demographic and education gap in its future workforce owing to its aging population, low immigration and relative lack of high-skilled workers.