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SDIM 2023 - Exploring the Climate and Health Nexus - English

Along with the exacerbation and spread of infectious and non-communicable diseases, malnutrition and worsening mental health, climate change is also a health crisis.

How can we best prevent and mitigate health issues related to the recent heatwaves and wildfires and adapt systems to better address the implications of climate change on population well-being?


  • Vanessa Kerry, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Seed Global Health
  • Paulette Frank, Chief Sustainability Officer, Johnson & Johnson
  • John Balbus, Director, Office of Climate Change and Health Equity and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Climate Change and Health Equity, US Department of Health and Human Services
  • Jemilah Mahmood, Executive Director, Sunway Centre for Planetary Health, Sunway University
Forum InstitutionalNature and BiodiversityClimate ActionHealth and Healthcare Systems


Global Collaboration Village

Minwoong (Eric) Hwang

July 25, 2024

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