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This lab-grown meat is cultivated from animal stem cells

Shiok Meats, a Singapore-based company, is pioneering a revolutionary approach to meat production – cultivating meat from animal stem cells.

This innovative technology offers a sustainable and humane alternative to conventional meat production, addressing the growing environmental and ethical concerns associated with traditional farming practices.

The science behind lab-grown meat

The process of cultivating lab-grown meat begins with extracting stem cells from a small sample of animal tissue. These stem cells are then placed in a bioreactor, a controlled environment that mimics the conditions within an animal's body.

By providing the cells with the necessary nutrients and growth factors, Shiok Meats' engineers can guide the cells to develop into muscle or fat tissues, eventually forming real meat.

Benefits of lab-grown meat

Lab-grown meat offers a multitude of benefits over conventional meat production. It significantly reduces the environmental impact, requiring less land, water, and energy.

Additionally, it eliminates the need for slaughter, raising significant animal welfare concerns. Furthermore, lab-grown meat can be produced without the use of antibiotics, addressing the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance.

The future of protein production

With the global demand for protein projected to double by 2050, lab-grown meat has the potential to play a significant role in meeting this demand while addressing the sustainability and ethical concerns associated with conventional meat production. International collaboration and regulatory frameworks are crucial to support the growth of this transformative industry.

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