The Forum partners with more than 900 businesses, bringing together leaders to advance issue-specific initiatives, and to track trends affecting the private sector. To complement engagement in impact-focused initiatives, 22 Global Industry Communities enable business model transformation through peer-to-peer exchanges.
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Heads of state present their ambitions for their economies at the Forum’s global meetings. They have an opportunity to gain new perspectives and build trust with leaders and change-makers. The Forum’s Annual Meeting 2025 brought together over 350 heads of state and governments, ministers and senior government officials. Representatives from ministries across geographies engage with impact-focused initiatives at the Forum to champion positive change on issues affecting their economies.
With geopolitical cooperation receding and deepening fractures in the multilateral system, the Forum is in ongoing dialogue with other International Organizations that participate in Forum meetings to carry forward the year-round work of collaborating across geographies and agendas. The Humanitarian and Resilience Investing Initiative and the Resilience Consortium are specific focal points of collaboration.
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Civil Society organizations representing the interests of citizens, consumers, marginalised populations, workers, grassroots movements and social causes on the Forum platform. These include over 150 global and regional non-governmental organizations, over 50 representatives from global and national trade unions, over 100 faith leaders, over 70 indigenous representatives and leaders, and as well as globally recognized activists and social movements providing diverse and challenging perspectives.
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Media organizations report on news-worthy moments during the Forum’s meetings and on Forum impact throughout the year. The Forum partners with Media organiszations to facilitate sessions between leaders and change-makers, at times broadcasting directly from Davos and other locations.
Artists collaborate with the Forum to enrich in-person meetings and elevate digital experiences inspiring connection to global issues through performances, artworks and experiences. These include the opening concerts of Forum meetings, exhibitions and digital sites sharing artworks such as “The Colour of Resilience”. Unique to the Annual Meeting in Davos, the Crystal Awards honour exceptional artists and cultural leaders whose important contributions are improving the state of the world and who best represent the “spirit of Davos”.
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Academics collaborate with the Forum to discuss the state of higher education and research. They partner with Forum Centres to drive impact on global issues. University representatives are part of an invitation-only community of global, forward-thinking and solution-oriented Networks focused on improving the state of the world. University presidents meet to engage in peer-to-peer discussion on issues of mutual interest through the Global University Leaders Forum (GULF) during the Forum’s Annual Meeting.
The Forum brings together social innovators across sectors tackling global challenges and improving the state of the world. For more than 25 years, the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship has brought together a global community of pioneering social innovators driving systemic change.
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The Forum Communities embody the organization's belief in the power of Youth to drive positive change in the world. The Global Shapers brings together changemakers across 500 local hubs who drive change in their communities.
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Local communities are invited to participate in the Forum’s activities during the Annual Meeting and other Meetings throughout the year. The programme dedicated to community engagement is called “Open Forum”. Members of the local community have the opportunity to participate and share thoughts and experiences with global leaders and change makers on pressing issues.
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