Jeremy Jurgens is Managing Director & Head of the Forum's Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. He is responsible for the Member and Partner companies essential to the mission of the Forum as the International Organisation for Public-Private Cooperation. His responsibilities include oversight of all industry initiatives, innovation and technology pioneer communities, the Forum’s offices in China, India and Japan as well as the Centre for Cybersecurity. He has served in various functions since 1999 including Chief Information Officer, Chief Representative China, the head of the Annual Meeting in Davos and the architect of the Forum’s Strategic Intelligence Platform.
Prior to joining the Forum, Jeremy Jurgens has worked at Microsoft, Patagonia and the Japanese Ministry of Finance. He holds a Master in Education from Harvard University and a BA in Economics and International Relations, from Claremont McKenna College.
Innovation thrives on technology convergence or combination, convergence and compounding. Mastering these can tackle global challenges and shape technology.
The quantum economy holds great promise in fields ranging from healthcare to energy and beyond. Here's how we ensure that potential is realized equitably.
Más allá de su fuerza disruptiva, la IA plantea una amplia gama de cuestiones que serán pertinentes para su aplicación y que fueron objeto de los debates en la Reunión Anual del Foro Econ...
Beyond AI's disruptive force, thought leaders discussed a broad range of issues around emerging technology that will be pertinent to its application.
Smallholder farmers in India have been using AI for agriculture to double their incomes. This includes tools like bot advisors and digital marketplaces.
As AI and its impact on the global economy dominate headlines worldwide, the Forum's 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions convenes in Tianjin, China.
La inteligencia artificial ya está transformando nuestras vidas y economías. Para aprovechar su potencial y mitigar los riesgos, necesitamos un marco de gobernanza basado en la cooperación.
AI is already transforming our lives and economies. To harness its potential and mitigate risks, we need a governance framework built through cooperation.
Urgent action is required to reverse dangerous climate change and technologists and governments have what they need to hasten the green energy transition.
Investing in net-zero steel will not only deliver emissions cuts, but it will also stimulate demand for low-carbon technologies and fuels. Here's how.
Industrial clusters can use the proximity of industrial assets to share infrastructure, resources, financial and operational risks in their net zero drive.