Cómo reforzar la ciberresiliencia en la cadena de suministro de la manufactura avanzada
Un nuevo informe del Foro Económico Mundial demuestra cómo el sector de la manufactura avanzada puede superar los desafíos en la creación de ciberresiliencia.
Dr Ben Dror has two decades of global career spanning public, private and third sector settings - focused on clean-tech and sustainable transportation. Maya was a Director at the Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation (iCET), where she initiated and led successful projects such as China’s adoption of the zero emission vehicle credits and real-world emissions mandates. She co-founded BestEV, first global crowed-data EV ranking, led Global Corporate Strategy at Better Place, world's most invested start-up at the time, and formed multi-stakeholder partnerships for accelerating shared, connected, zero-emission and autonomous mobility adoption. Earlier in her career Maya served as Israel’s Trade Officer to China, where she facilitated numerous bilateral investments in clean tech, including energy, water, and mobility. She consulted mobility, water, energy startups along the way, loves the outdoors, and is a lifelong learner. She holds a PhD from Israel Institute of Technology (Technion), M.S. in Environmental Change and Management from the University of Oxford, and B.S. in Economics and East Asian Studies from the Hebrew University (cum laude).
Un nuevo informe del Foro Económico Mundial demuestra cómo el sector de la manufactura avanzada puede superar los desafíos en la creación de ciberresiliencia.
The World Economic Forum’s New Narrative demonstrates how the advanced manufacturing sector can overcome challenges to building cybersecurity resilience.
Advanced Manufacturing is a critical industry to global supply chains, the fight against climate change and economic stability. It's due a new narrative.
La movilidad por carretera representa una cuarta parte de las emisiones mundiales de carbono, por lo que la descarbonización equitativa del sector es una parte vital de la acción climática.
Road mobility accounts for a quarter of the world's carbon emissions, so the sector's decarbonization is vital to mitigate the effects of climate change.
By tapping into the potential energy storage that electric vehicles offer, we can scale clean grid capacity, improve grid efficiency and increase value.
テクノロジーの急速な発展に伴い、自動車がスーパーコンピューターを搭載する流れが加速しています。 自動車産業は変革期を迎えており、より安全かつサステナブルで、よりインクルーシブなモビリティの実現に期待が高まっています。 ソフトウェア駆動型の時代における自動車イニシアチブでは、自動車、新モビリティ、ICTの3分野の企業が連携し、モビリティ社会にプラスの影響をもたらすことを...
Los vehículos son cada vez más superordenadores sobre ruedas. Así es como la transformación de la industria automotriz está haciendo que la movilidad sea más segura, más sostenible y más ...
Cars are increasingly supercomputers on wheels. Transformation of the automotive industry is making mobility safer, more sustainable and more inclusive.
Africa is home to 40% of the world's used cars, which greatly impacts emissions. We must ensure the Global South also sees the benefit of electrification.
Women are underrepresented in the mobility sector and systems are not designed for them. These organizations are helping women to re-shape the future.
La mitad de las emisiones producidas por los vehículos eléctricos corresponden a las baterías. ¿Cómo podemos garantizar que sean totalmente reciclables?
Half of electric vehicles' production emissions are accounted for by the battery. How can we ensure they are fully recyclable?