Three AI tools revolutionising healthcare in Japan
Doctors in Japan are developing AI healthcare tools that could revolutionise how we diagnose illnesses including cancer, influenza and heart disease.
Doctors in Japan are developing AI healthcare tools that could revolutionise how we diagnose illnesses including cancer, influenza and heart disease.
An increasing number of Japanese companies are choosing to report the impact of climate change on their activities – putting the country ahead of the global curve.
In 2021, the Japanese government built a support strategy for the revival of its semiconductor industry, now it is working with partners to achieve this.
Despite some progress the gender wage gap persists including an unexplainable gap pointing to a need for a mindset shift and proactive policies for change.
日本における2022年度の男性育児休業取得率が17.13%と過去最高になり、男性の育児参加が進んでいます。 しかし、育児休業を歓迎しない職場の雰囲気や、人手不足、周囲に迷惑をかけることへの後ろめたさなどを理由に、優れた制度があっても、男性が育児休業を取らない、または取りづらいといった課題はいまだに残されています。 男性の育児休業取得が、家庭にとっても企業にとっても自然...
The increased uptake of paternity leave could help achieve gender parity in Japan, fostering a society where it is natural for both families and companies.
Sustainability is important to tourists and their hosts. Making sustainable and regenerative tourism a reality requires a mindset shift by travellers.
Japan’s space industry is worth around JPY1.2 trillion and the Japanese government wants to double that to JPY2.4 trillion by the early 2030s.
The need for new and effective dementia treatments is becoming more urgent as we face an ageing population globally as the G7 has committed to tackling it.